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Setting up Feature Flags With React

We cover creating feature flags, installing dependencies, and implementing it in your react app.

Full Session Description

As developers, we release features daily – but how do you ensure those features are working properly in production before you release them to all your users? If you ask me, the answer is feature flags! Feature flags are beneficial because they allow you to test your code in production, perform canary releases, and even conduct A/B testing. The power of React makes it easy to implement these flags. We will walk through how to easily create a feature flag in the UI, install dependencies with npm, and implement your feature flag in your react app.

Talia Nassi

Developer Advocate @ Split Software

About the author

Talia Nassi is an international keynote speaker who delivers content on all things testing and quality. She is a developer advocate at where she works closely with engineering teams globally to ship software more efficiently. She is passionate about feature flagging, canary launches, CI/CD, testing in production, and A/B testing. She has spoken at countless conferences internationally, ranging from audiences of 100 to 2000!

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