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Health Oriented Design: How API Platforms Shape Themselves for a Safer Internet

Discover tools and platforms to help developers enable everyone’s safety online.

Full Session Description

2020 is going to be a pivotal year for data privacy, harassment and fake news.Despite huge investments in AI, social media platforms still struggle to deal with abusive and irrelevant content. Developers, once key to the success of any API platform, feel alienated and helpless – they want to contribute, but they don’t have the right API to do so. Why is this happening, and how can platforms help the broader developer ecosystem build a better internet?This changes today. Platforms will have no choice but to change their API strategy so that developers can help people be safe again. Join this talk to learn how API platforms are being shaped to give developers the tool they need to enable healthier conversations globally and at scale, and how many API can already be used to enable new viable pathways for detection of abusive or unauthentic content.

Daniele Bernardi

#DevRel @Twitter: build what’s happening @ Twitter

About the author

Daniele is a Developer Advocate at Twitter. He inspires the developers all over the world to build tools that elevate the public conversation. Along with all the things a Developer Advocate does, Daniele listens to developers and guide them to bring their uniqueness to the platform. His dream job is exactly this. When he is not in front of his work laptop, he is often seen social distancing in front of this personal retro gaming emulation station.

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