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In my experience working with technical marketing teams, I have often felt the events and field marketing people get some of the least love. Sure, they get to travel across the country, maybe even the globe, attending cool events and meeting all kinds of folks outside the office, but that’s often seen by their peers as a “perk” of the job rather than the hard, exhaustive work it is. This is why I came up with the idea for the DevNetwork to start a DevMarketing Advisory community – it not only allows us to get valuable feedback from the folks who make our shows a fun and informational experience for our attendees, it gives you a chance to share best practices and help lift the entire industry.

We held our first in-person Dev Marketing Summit Breakfast at this year’s API World / CloudX / Dev Innovation summit in Santa Clara just last week on the topic of “Developing a Go-To Conference Strategy”. As a first event for this nascent community, it far exceeded my expectations. I hosted two panels featuring hand-selected marketing experts whose knowledge and experience we had seen on full display both at our own shows as well as those we attend. I’m excited to share the results with you.

I’ve compiled highlights of the two panels – “Setting Goals and Measuring Success”, followed by “Event Tactics That Work” – in the video below. The full panels will also be available soon right here on the site. In order to get notified when they come out – and to join us as we expand our efforts to build the best DevMarketing community in tech – all you need to do is fill out our Sponsor Advisory Board application and get on our list.

I look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Rob Zazueta

Independent Technical Consultant @ Rob Z. Strategic Technical Consulting Rob Zazueta (better known by many as “Rob Z.”) provides strategic advice, guidance and thought leadership around developer experience and advocacy, online community, and technical strategy for organizations of all sizes around the world. A passionate evangelist for what he calls "human-centric computing", he has spent more than 15 years as a professional web developer with an additional decade in technical business strategy and developer advocacy, having developed, designed, consumed, supported and managed a wide variety of APIs and partner integrations. You can find him at